Ruth Wyman CNY Celiacs Support Group President from 2004 to Present “- In the summer of 1995 my husband was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. Amy Eliezer had just started the CNY Celiac Support Group that year. She was a life saver to me, as very little material about Celiac Disease was available then. Amy moved to Sarasota, Florida in 2004. Due to my background in nursing and a desire to continue our support group, I became President and co-editor of our newsletter. In 2005 we held our first Celiac Disease blood screening, sponsored by the Celiac Research Center of University of Maryland. Much to my surprise, I came out positive with no previous symptoms. We continue to hold meetings every other month and have grown to over 200 members. Every newly diagnosed celiac is sent a new patient packet with information about Celiac Disease by our Membership Chairman, Sally Seeley. We have a large group of dedicated volunteers. With their help, we have a yearly fund-raiser for Celiac Research in hopes of finding a cure for Celiac Disease.”

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